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Internal Seminar Series (ISS)

Since 2009 ACCESS has run an internal seminar series to deepen interdisciplinary research and broaden collaboration among researchers in ACCESS.

Dates, speakers and topics

Once a year, each faculty member and guest professors will present their research to PhD students and Post docs within ACCESS. From 2010 ACCESS thematic research areas are also presented on ISS. During fall 2012 the presentations focused mainly on the ACCESS 'Seed-projects' carried out during 2010-2011. During 2013 - 2018 there has been a mix of Seed projects presentations and ACCESS guests and new faculty presenting their research.

12.00-13.00, Q2, Malvinas väg 10, second floor (if other is not announced on this webpage)

Spring 2019

  • Jan 30:
    Deniz Gündüz, Imperial College London
  • Feb 13:
    ACCESS Thematic Area - Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)
    Henrik Sandberg, TA-leader ACCESS, EECS
  • March 6:
    ACCESS Thematic Area - Security, Privacy and Trust (SPT)
    Panos Papadimitratos, TA-leader ACCESS, EECS
  • March 27:
    ACCESS Thematic Area - Software Defined Networking (SDN)
    Viktoria Fodor, TA-leader ACCESS, EECS
  • April 10:
    ACCESS Thematic Area - Data Analytics (DA)
    Saikat Chatterjee, TA-leader ACCESS, EECS
  • April 24:
    Ehsan Nekouei, KTH EECS
  • May 8: (the very last ACCESS ISS lunch semianr)
    James Gross, KTH EECS - Manager of ACCESS LInnaeus Centre

We would like to thank all our speakers and partipipants during these ten years for joining our seminars so frequently and showing big interest for our topics in the arrangements.
We hope to see in a another setting in a near future.