Presentations 2016
In 2016 ACCESS faculty members and representatives from the industry presented their research on ACCESS Internal Seminar Series.
- Jan 27: Mikael Skoglund, KTH / EES "Big Data: Opportunities and Risks"
- Feb 10: Niklas Wahlström, Linköping University "From Pixels to Torques: Control Using Deep Dynamical Models”
- Feb 24: Guevara Noubir, Northeastern University Boston "Robustness and Privacy in Wireless Systems"
- Mars 23: Marcello Cirillo, Scania, “Can Video Games Help Us Move a Truck?”
- April 20: David Broman, KTH "Correct-by-construction systems design: where time matters"
- May 18: Simon Bliudze, EPFL Switzerland "Architectures: Design Patterns for Component-Based Systems"
- June 1: Ming Xiao, KTH / EES "Recent Progress on Theoretical Study of Distributed Storage Systems"
- Sep 7: James Gross, KTH / EES "Ultra-reliable Low-Latency Wireless Networking: From Theory to a Start-Up"
- Sep 21: Li Qui, HKUST "From Singular Values to Canonical Angles"
- Oct 5: Takashi Tanaka, KTH/EES "Information Flow in Control: Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian Case"
- Oct 19: Antonios Pitarokoilis, KTH/EES "Massive MIMO and Phase Noise"
- Nov 2: Saikat Chatterjee, KTH / EES "Sparse Learning over Network " - Cancelled!
- Nov 16: Patrizio Pellicione, Chalmers "Engineering the software of robotic systems"
- Nov 30: Germán Bassi, KTH/EES "Harnessing the Randomness that Surrounds Us: Secret Key Generation in the IoT"
- Dec 14: Jieqiang "Jay" Wei, KTH/EES "Finite-time attitude synchronization with discontinuous protocols"